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Version: 4.17.3

Flow Library

The Flow Library displays all the flows within a tenant that have been created, optionally segmented into groups.

Flow Library


The Flow Library has the following functions:

Add Flows

Click the button to create a new flow. A dialog will appear, allowing you to specify the flow name and flow group.

Create Flow Dialog
flow name requirements
  • A flow name may contain letters, digits and spaces.
  • It must be unique within a flow group.
  • You can always rename the flow in the Flow Settings.

Delete Flows

Hover over a flow name and click the button to delete a flow. A confirmation dialog will appear.


The button is only available when there are no started (installed) versions of the flow.


Deleted flows cannot be recovered

Add Flow groups

Flows can be grouped together. Click the button to create a new flow group. A dialog will appear allowing you to specify the flow group name.

Create Group Modal
flow group name requirements
  • A flow group name can have letters, digits and spaces.
  • It must be unique within a Tenant.
adding flows to groups

Add flows to a group by drag-and-dropping them onto it. Flows that are not in a group are displayed below all groups.

Delete Flow groups

Hover over a flow group name and click the button to delete the group. A confirmation dialog will appear.


The button is only available when there are no flows in the group.


Deleted flow groups cannot be recovered

Expand/Collapse Flow groups

Groups can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on them. Collapse or expand all groups using the and buttons respectively.

Import/Export Flows

You can export a flow by clicking the button (arrow down). It will download the flow to your machine as a JSON file, which you can import back into Dovetail.

Exported flows can be imported with the button (arrow up). A dialog will popup where you can upload an exported JSON file, specify the flow name and flow group.

Import Flow Modal
limited to subversion

We only support exporting and importing flows within the same subversion of the application. For example, exporting from version 4.14.4 and importing into version 4.14.9 is supported, while exporting from 4.14.4 and importing into 4.17.2 is not.

Filter Flows

Use the search bar to quickly find a flow. While you type:

  • Flows are filtered on their name.
  • Corresponding groups are opened.
  • Matching text is highlighted.
Flow Library - Filter FLows
Last update on Feb 27, 2025