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Version: 4.17.0

Tenant Variables

Tenant variables are stored in a database and can be used in all the flows of a tenant. Every tenant has a Tenant Variables page where you can find the tenant variables. The empty list looks like this:

Empty Tenant variables page

In the quicklink menu (top-right) you can:


Read more about using variables in Dovetail on this reference page.

Table Layout

Below you see an example where a couple of tenant variables have been created. The columns show the Name and Value, when/by who it was Created and Updated, Tags and Actions.

Filled Tenant variables page

In the table you can:

  • Use the tabs to switch between the Test and Production view
  • Click the table headers to sort the list (on all columns except Value, Tags & Actions)
  • Use to filter the list

The actions you can perform in the list:

  • Click on its name or value to edit a variable
  • Use to remove a variable
  • Use to attach tags to a variable

The indicates the value is stored encrypted.

Filter table

You can use the to filter the table view, a small popup appears where you can set your filter(s). When you have filtered your view a button appears in the quicklink menu with a number indicating the size of your selection.

Filter Button Quicklink Menu Actions

Here you can tag (), remove () or export () the filtered tenant variables.

Create tenant variables

Tenant variables can be created manually or in a flow. When you create a new tenant variable it exists in both the Test and Production environment.


Click the button in the quicklink menu and a popup will appear.

Create Tenant variable popup

To create a tenant variable:

  • Set the Name (obligatory)
  • Enable Encrypt? to store the variable values encrypted
  • Set the Values:
    • under Test for the Test environment
    • under Production for the Production environment

Created/Updated By will show the user's email address.

In a flow

Use the SetTenantVariable component to create a tenant variable from within a flow.


Created/Updated By will show the flowgroup/flowname.

Edit tenant variables

Tenant variables can be edited manually or in a flow.


Click on a variable name or value to edit it.

Edit Tenant variable

The indicates edited fields and two buttons will appear in the quicklink menu with an indication of the number of changes. Now you can:

  • Use in the Actions column to save changes per variable
  • Use in the quicklink menu to save all changes (indicated by the number)
  • Use in the quicklink menu to discard all changes (indicated by the number)

In a flow

Use the SetTenantVariable component to edit the value of a tenant variable from within a flow.

Remove tenant variables

Tenant variables can be removed manually or in a flow.


Click on the button in the Actions column of a variable to remove it and a popup for confirmation will appear.

Remove Tenant variable popup

In a flow

Use the RemoveTenantVariable component to remove a tenant variable from within a flow.

Manage tags

Click the button in the quicklink menu and a popup will appear. You can add and remove tags.

Manage Tags popup

Add new tags

To add a tag set the Label & Color and save.

Remove tags

To remove a tag click the button.

Attach tags to variables

Click the button in the Actions column of a variable and a popup will appear. You can (de)select tags here.

Attach Tag to variable popup

Alternatively you can filter the list and use the () button to add tags to your filtered selection as described in Filter table.

Export/Import tenant variables

You can export and import tenant variables.


Click the button in the quicklink menu to download the tenant variables for that tenant in a JSON file. See this export example for the variables as seen in the screenshot in the Table Layout section.


Click the button in the quicklink menu and popup will appear to select a file to import.


When you import tenant variables the Created/Updated At/By are set with the current date:time and email address of the user.



Some components use the tenant variables to save data. Created/Updated By will show System in these cases.