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Version: 4.14.2

SetVariable component

With tenant variables you can use variables across all flows of a tenant. These variables can be retrieved by the GetVariable Component and removed with the RemoveVariable Component.

The SetVariable component can be used to set body or header data on a tenant variable. You can chain multiple SetVariable components together to set multiple tenant variables.


Read more about using variables in Dovetail on this reference page.


The SetVariable component has the following configuration options:

Tenant VariableThe name of the tenant variable you wish to set
Expression TypeThe language of the expression.
ValueThe value you wish to set on the variable, when installed on test it sets the test value when installed on production the production value.
Encrypt?If the variable could contain sensitive information you can choose to store it encrypted.

Expression Types

Expressions can be defined using the following expression types:

Expression TypeDescription
SimpleSimple Expression Language, which also supports File Expression Language. It only returns plain text, no xml.
XPathXPath 2.0 language. It only returns plain text, no xml.
JsonPathJsonPath language.
GroovyGroovy. It only supports one-line expressions. Use the script component for multiline scripts.
ConstantThe literal value you set. When using ${header.HeaderName} as (part of) a Constant that literal string will be set as the tenant variable, not it's value.