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Version: 4.13.2

Outbound Google Drive component

The Outbound Google Drive component provides a way to save loaded files (e.g. from FTP) into Google Drive and it can also create new files given any flow exchange body.


It has the following configuration options:

OAuth2 Code

The first time you open the settings of the component you're presented with an empty OAuth2 code field and an Authorize button next to it. To get the OAuth2 code you need to click the Authorize button. A new window will open where you can choose for which Google account you want to generate the OAuth2 code. Follow the steps and copy the OAuth2 code so you can paste it in the input field.

An Exchange button will show up when you paste the OAuth2 code in the input field. You have to click this button the exchange your OAuth2 code for an Access Token and a Refresh token which will be used by the component to process files the Google Drive of your chosen Google account.

When the OAuth2 code is exchanged, the input will become disabled and the Authorize button changes to Reauthorize. By clicking this button you can repeat the authorization and exchange process when needed.


  • While the Access Token is short lived, the long lived Refresh Token is used to fetch new Access Tokens whenever the old one expires.

Directory Id


This is where the Google Drive component will save files to. If this is left blank, files will be saved in the root.


The Directory Id can be found in the browser URL when a given Google Drive directory is open.


  • When saving a previously loaded file, the CamelFileName header is automatically set but when saving the exchange body to a new file or when it is required to override the original file name, the CamelFileName header shall be manually set with the desired file name.
  • Google drive has a daily upload limit of 750gb for each individual user. A single file larger than 750gb can be uploaded, but after that the user cannot upload another file that day. For more information see the offical Google Docs.