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Version: 4.11.2

Inbound E-mail component

The Inbound E-mail component can be used to retrieve e-mail messages or attachments from an inbox. After retrieving such messages or attachments, they are sent to the next component in the flow.


This component has the following configuration options:



  • imap
  • imaps
  • pop3
  • pop3s
  • smtp
  • smtps


The protocol that is used to connect to the e-mail server.



The hostname of the e-mail server.



The port of the e-mail server.



The username used to log in to the e-mail server.



The password used to log in to the e-mail server.



  • Message body
  • Attachments
  • Message body and attachments


Indicates whether message bodies or attachments should be retrieved. When attachments are retrieved and an e-mail doesn't have any attachments then the body will be processed and sent to the next component. A header called noAttachmentsFound with the value true will be added to the exchange so you know when this happens. For example: you can use a simple expression like ${header.noAttachmentsFound} == true in the Content router component to handle this.

When you selected Message body and attachments both the body and attachments of an e-mail will be processed. The header isEmailBody is added with a value of true when the body is sent to the next component. Another header isEmailAttachment with value of true is added when an attachment is sent to the next component. Every time an attachment is processed the email body is also set on a header called emailBody.

Each attachment is sent as a single message. The original file name of an attachment is stored in the header named CamelFileName.



Indicates whether only unread messages should be retrieved.


This option only applies for the IMAP and IMAPS protocol.

Polling Interval


The number of milliseconds between each check for new e-mail messages.


The fewer emails there are present in the mailbox, the faster the reading will be. This applies to both read and unread emails.

Search Subject


An optional string that should occur in the subject of e-mails.

Search Body


An optional string that should occur in the body of e-mails.

Search From


An optional pattern describing the recipients of e-mails.

Search to


An optional pattern describing the sender of e-mails.

Custom SSL Certificates

It can be the case that the mailbox you are trying to reach uses an SSL Certificate (IMAPS / POP3S), this is not a problem for Dovetail as long as it is signed by a default trusted certificate authority. When the mailbox uses a self-signed certificate, or a certificate not signed by a default trusted certificate authority, the certificate should be retrieved and imported into Dovetail. Unfortunately to date, this has to be done manually by the support staff of Dovetail, please contact your Dovetail provider when necessary.


  • The JavaMail API is used to search for e-mail messages. According to its documentation, the search capabilities depend on the protocol, provider, and server in use. In general, all of the string patterns supported by search terms are just simple strings; no regular expressions are supported.